Digital Game Deals
Steam Deals of the Day: Clustertruck (50%) and Obduction (25%)

Steam Deals of the Day include the world’s first ‘truckformer’ Clustertruck and legendary Myst developers latest release Obduction! Check out deal details!
Steam Deals #1: Clustertruck
Clustertruck is on sale for $7.49 (50%). It’s the lowest this indie title has ever been on Steam. The elaborate physics based ‘truckformer’ was last seen on sale on December 22, 2016 for $8.99. Originally released on September 27, 2016, the game has been steadily dropping in price with each Steam sale.
Overall the unique ‘platformer on-top of a speeding highway has seen positive reception from Steam’s internal fanbase. The title currently owns 2,028 positive reviews and 230 negative reviews (2,258 reviews total, 89% positive). It’s available for Windows 7, Mac OS X, and Steam OS + Linux. Meaning pretty much no matter which computing machine you own, the title is playable.
Clustertruck’s OST soundtrack is also discounted to $2.49 (50%) and is dually available as part of Clustertruck’s Collector’s Edition which includes both the game and soundtrack at $9.29 (54%).
Clustertruck’s developers Landfall Games have released three prior titles on Steam.
Metacritic Score : 76 (14 Critics) / User Score: 7.7 (19 ratings)
Unique Features:
- – Features in-game level editor.
- – Steam workshop support for sharing your player-made levels.
- – Online leader boards.
Important Game Features:
- – Full controller support.
- – Campaign Mode (Single Player mode players welcome).
- – Steam Achievements.
Steam Deal Link:
Clustertruck Gameplay Video:
Steam Deals #2: Obduction
Obduction is on sale for $22.49 (25%). The title notably comes from Cyan Inc., who are the creators of the Myst series. It’s the lowest the title has been November 12, 2016 when it sold for $23.99, which is not a significant difference. As Steam Deals go, this game is holding up its value and doesn’t looking to be dipping below the $20+ range for a while. Obduction was released on August 24, 2016.
The beautiful graphics of Obduction have garnered a positive reception from Steam’s fanbase. There are 1,063 positive reviews and 163 negative reviews at the moment (1,246 reviews in total, 84% positive). Obduction requires Windows 7 at the minimum and recommends Windows 10 for optimal gameplay.
Obduction’s OST soundtrack is also discounted to $7.49 (25%). A complete Cyan Collection bundle for hardcore Myst fans and newcomers looking for the full experience is discounted to $42.73 (50%). No soundtrack included though.
Metacritic Score : 76 (30 Critics) / User Score: 7.8 (117 ratings)
Unique Features:
- – Virtual Reality support. Playable with Oculus Rift.
Standout Quote : “Immense and immersive… It was breathtaking… something that feels magical.” – UploadVR
Important Game Features:
- – Full controller support.
- – Campaign Mode (Single Player mode players welcome).
- – Steam Achievements.
- – Steam Trading Cards.
Obduction Launch Trailer:
Today’s Steam Deals are time restricted. At the time of writing there is approximately 42 hours, 05 minutes to purchase Clutertruck. For Obduction, there is less time on the clock to purchase with 18 hours, 19 minutes left.
Be sure to check out daily Video Game Deals for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, 3DS, Vita, Steam, and much more on the Video Game Deals category page. There’s coverage for both physical and digital releases as well as focus on the coveted Collector’s Editions!